Domestic military installations are the backbone of our nation’s security. Faulconer is committed to delivering infrastructure that supports their critical mission.
By the numbers
in military contracts awarded since 2015
bases and installations served
2022 Experience Modifier Rate
Strengthening the Backbone of our Nation’s Military
Operational readiness is paramount in maintaining an effective fighting force. Faulconer improves base facilities where training, maintenance and logistics occur to preserve operational readiness. Infrastructure that can consistently meet and exceed the demand placed upon it.
Our teams are qualified and well-versed in the security, safety and working protocols that ensure operations are never compromised during the delivery of a project. It is an earned privilege to work on base, one that Faulconer will never take for granted.
Airfields & Runways
Airfields and runways on bases require expansion and maintenance to meet the needs of an evolving military. Excavation, grading and asphalt paving must be precise to keep airfields operational.